“Buckley and Image by Buckley took me out shopping after years of resisting updating my wardrobe to being a young dad middle-aged man. I have never like shopping., Image by Buckley made it a breeze. In less than three hours including lunch we got 30+ outfits for less than $900 and I look amazing in all of them. The most valuable part of the entire experience is how confident I am when I go to my closet after I read the breakdown of the audition. We all know confidence is everything in our business as we deal with massive amounts of rejection. I now leave auditions not caring one way or another if they call me back, I know I got my job done, and I look good doing it (being the part). Today I booked my 143rd commercial over the last 15 years and I would like to thank image by Buckley for being the catalyst for this latest booking I’ve never felt better going into a call back and I’ve never been more certain that my luck is exactly what they are looking for. Keep up the great work Buckley and thank you so much.”